Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tuesday Fat Stat's - Week 42

All in all, it was a so-so week. I've been in a really bad pattern the last few weeks. I weigh in on Tuesday, screw up majorly the next few days, then spend the few days before the next fat stats busting ass and double timing it.

Not good.

My goal for this week is straightforward - consistency. I need to workout everyday. I need to watch what I eat. I need to stay within my calories.

And, I've got to be honest with you, I've already screwed up. We had a department lunch this afternoon, which apparently, to me, means eat every single fattening thing you can stuff into your mouth. Damn it Muffin Top!!!

I know the sodium alone will kill me when I step on the scale tomorrow - but I'm going to do my best to not consume very many more calories, and I'm going to work out like a fiend tonight!

So? How did we do this week? Here goes...

Fat Girl Slim's Week 42 Numbers:

Muffin Top's Week 42 Numbers:

Stay tuned - we'll be posting the giveaway winner this afternoon :)


  1. Good for you girls!!!! Keep up the awesome work. Maybe soon I'll get motivated too. Your blog is helping for sure to push my motivation along! Proud of you both :)

  2. Thanks so much :) Cannot express how much encouraging words help!
